Prof. Dr. Dr. Fabian J. Froese

Chair of Human Resources Management and Asian Business
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5
MZG 1.109 (Blauer Turm)
37073 Göttingen

Phone +49 (0)551 39-20490
Fax +49 (0)551 39-20492

About Me

Fabian Jintae Froese is a chair professor of human resource management and Asian Business at the University of Goettingen, Germany. His areas of expertise are in expatriation, diversity, recruitment, employee retention, knowledge creation/transfer. He teaches courses in human resource management, international management, and Asian business, and regularly provides guest lectures, keynote speeches, executive teaching, and consulting to corporate clients and other educational institutions around the globe. He has received numerous awards for his research and teaching, from e.g. Academy of International Business, European Academy of Management. The International Journal of Human Resource Management ranked him as the 7th most prolific researcher worldwide in the area of expatriation. The German business newspaper Handelsblatt ranked him as one of the Top100 German speaking business professors under 40 for research productivity (no 1 in HRM).

Academic Positions
Since 2012 University of Goettingen, Germany
Professor and Chair of HRM and Asian Business
Since 2019 Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
Joint Appointment Professor of International Business
2011-2012 Kobe University, Japan
Visiting Associate Professor
2007-2012 Korea University Business School, Seoul, South Korea
Assistant Professor of International Business
2005-2009 Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
PhD in International Studies / Sociology
2004-2007 University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Dr. oec. (equivalent to PhD) in International Management
2001-2003 University of Mannheim, Germany
Diplom-Kaufmann (equivalent to MBA/MSc), majoring in International Management and Organizational Psychology
Other Positions
Since 2019 President, Association of Japanese Business Studies
Since 2019 Chair (President), Academy of International Business, Western Europe Chapter
Since 2019 Associate editor, International Journal of Human Resource Management
Since 2018 Editor-in-Chief, Asian Business & Management
Since 2014 Associate editor, Cross-Cultural and Strategic Management
Since 2013 Advisory board member, Euro-Asia Management Studies Association
Selected Awards and Honors
2019 Ranked as one of the Top100 German speaking business professors under 40 for research productivity (no. 2 in HRM, no. 83 overall), Wirtschaftswoche
2019 CEIBS Best Paper Award, Finalist, Academy of Management
2017 Ranked as the world’s seventh most prolific author in expatriate management research based on total publications, International Journal of Human Resource Management
2017 Carolyn Dexter Award, Finalist, Academy of Management
2017 International Management Division Best Paper in OB/OT/HR Award, Finalist, Academy of Management
2017 European Academy of Management Best Paper Award
2017 Alan M. Rugman Most Promising Scholar Award, Finalist, Academy of International Business
2017 WAIB Best Paper Award, Academy of International Business
2016 Personal Quarterly and HR division of German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) Best Paper Award
2015 Euro Asia Management Studies Association Best Paper Award
2015 Emerald Citations of Excellence Award for one of the most highly cited and highly influential papers published in 2012
2015 The Palgrave Macmillan and Association of Japanese Business Studies Best Paper Award
2015 European Academy of Management, International Management Strategic Interest Group Best Paper Award
2014 Ranked as one of the Top100 German speaking business professors under 40 for research productivity (no. 1 in HRM, no. 60 overall), Handelsblatt
2014 Haynes Prize for the Most Promising Scholar, Finalist, Academy of International Business
2014 European Academy of Management and Journal of Global Mobility Best Paper Award
2011 Korea Academy of International Business Best Paper Award
2011 The Palgrave Macmillan and Association of Japanese Business Studies Best Paper Award
2011 F. Hillary Conroy Award, Association of Asian Studies
2010-2011 Alexander von Humbold and JSPS fellowships
2009 Seok-Top Teaching Excellence Award, Korea University
2003-2007 Multiple DAAD and Monbukagakusho scholarships