Selected recent publications in peer-reviewed journals

For a complete list of publications and downloads see my Research Gate or Google Scholar Profile.

Sarabi, A., Froese, F.J., Chng, D.H.M., Meyer, K. (in press). Entrepreneurial leadership and MNE subsidiary performance: The moderating role of subsidiary context. International Business Review. DOI: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2020.101672

Bebenroth, R., Froese, F.J. (in press). Consequences of expatriate top manager replacement on foreign subsidiary performance. Journal of International Management.

Taras, V., Baak, D., Caprar, D., Dow, D., Froese, F., Jimenez, A., Magnusson, P. (in press). Diverse effects of diversity: Disaggregating effects of diversity in global virtual teams. Journal of International Management. DOI: 10.1016/j.intman.2019.100689

Froese, F.J., Peltokorpi, V., Varma A., Hitotsuyanagi, A. (2019). Merit-based rewards, job satisfaction, and voluntary turnover: The moderating effects of demographics. British Journal of Management. 30 (3), 610-623.

Chathurani, I., Froese, F.J., Bader, K., (2019). Relocation with or without you: An attachment theory perspective on expatriate withdrawal. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.

Bader, K., Kemper, L., Froese, F.J., (2019). Who promotes a value-in-diversity perspective: A fuzzy set analysis of executives’ individual and organizational characteristics. Human Resource Management. 58, 203-217.

Froese, F.J., Sutherland, D., Lee, J.Y., Liu, Y., Pan, Y. (2019). Challenges for foreign companies in China: Implications for research and practice. Asian Business & Management, 18(4), 249-262.

Nguyen, T., Tuan, N.P., Froese, F.J., Malik, A. (2019). Motivation and knowledge sharing: A meta-analysis of main and moderating effects. Journal of Knowledge Management. 23(5), 998-101.

Recent Book

Doing Business in Korea

Much of the existing research looks at the outflow of companies and people from Korea to foreign countries, whilst less is known about foreign firms and workers in Korea. Considering the immense interest of both academics and practitioners in the business opportunities in Korea, this book provides a comprehensive overview of doing business in Korea and recommendations on how foreign companies and individuals can succeed in this market.

This book covers a wide range of relevant topics, including the Korean business environment, market entry into Korea, management issues and entrepreneurship in Korea. This is a must-read for anyone interested in or already doing business in Korea.

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